If you take your car to a local shop for repair, you are often paying a premium price for the labor and the parts. You might want to ask your local repairman if they mind if you provide the part. This way you can shop around for the best deal and save yourself some money. There are several ways you can shop smarter for specific BMW, Ford or Chevy auto parts. Here are a few tips to help you next time you're in need.
Online Auction Sites
You can use several popular auction sites to find the right auto part at a discounted price. Some listings will have a buy it now option and the ability for you to make an offer. Auction-style listings can help you get an even better deal. The seller will start the auction price low in hopes that multiple people will bid on the same item and drive the price up. You can filter the search results to show you what listings are ending soonest and this can help you snag a part that no one else is bidding on. Make sure you pay close attention to the shipping fees. If it doesn't include free shipping, you should get an estimate for what it will cost.
Salvage Yards
If you need a car part you may have luck at your local salvage yard. This is where old cars go to die and are left to be picked apart for parts. You will have to know your way around the vehicles and come well-equipped with tools. Finding treasure in the salvage yard can be an adventure that saves you a good amount of money. You will often need to find an identical make and model to pull parts from, so it's smart to call ahead and see if they have a list of current auto inventory.
Online Classifieds
The online classifieds can be a great place to turn to when you need to hunt down a part. There are many people that pick up parts from the salvage yards to make their own money. If they don't have your specific part, they might be able to point you to a person who does.
If none of the above options pan out you can always look to buy the part directly from the manufacturer. This will help you save a few dollars and get your car back up and running smoothly. Find a mechanic who is willing to work with you, and they may even be able to point you in the right direction.